HR Insights

How to Use LinkedIn for Employer Branding

LinkedIn is a leading social media platform for professionals, with over 930 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Leveraging LinkedIn for employer branding can significantly expand a company’s reach and visibility among relevant professionals. According to LinkedIn’s Employer Branding statistics, companies with successful employer branding experience a 50% reduction in wages in cost. This highlights the impact of a strong employer brand on attracting and retaining talent. In another survey by LinkedIn, 75% of job applicants consider a company’s reputation as a good employer before applying for a job.

Check out the previous blog on why employer branding is important.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Employer Branding

1. Creating a Strong LinkedIn Presence

    To establish a strong employer brand on LinkedIn, it is essential to create and maintain a professional company profile. This includes using a clear and captivating company description, incorporating relevant keywords, and ensuring consistent branding across all elements of the profile. According to LinkedIn’s data, companies with strong employer brands receive up to 50% more applications from qualified candidates.

    2. Optimizing Company Profile

    Optimizing the company profile on LinkedIn involves highlighting the organization’s key strengths, achievements, and unique selling points. This can include showcasing awards, certifications, or notable projects. A survey conducted by LinkedIn found that 72% of recruiting leaders worldwide agreed that employer branding has a significant impact on their ability to attract top talent.

    3. Sharing Engaging Content

    Regularly sharing informative and engaging content is crucial for employer branding on LinkedIn Pulse. This can include industry news, company updates, thought leadership articles, and employee success stories. According to LinkedIn, job seekers are 40% more likely to apply for a position if they are familiar with the company’s brand. This emphasizes the importance of building a strong employer brand on LinkedIn to engage potential candidates.

                                                                               Image from LinkedIn                                                                     
    4. Showcasing Company Culture

    LinkedIn offers various features that enable companies to showcase their culture and work environment. This can include sharing behind-the-scenes photos, and videos. Research shows that a positive employer brand can reduce cost-per-hire by up to 50% and lower turnover rates by 28%. A strong employer brand also helps companies differentiate themselves from competitors in the job market.

    5. Leveraging LinkedIn Groups and Communities

    LinkedIn groups and communities provide a platform to connect with professionals in specific industries or fields. Engaging with relevant groups and sharing valuable insights helps establish the company as a thought leader and creates opportunities to attract potential candidates actively seeking job opportunities. LinkedIn reports that companies with strong employer brands experience a 30% increase in employee referrals, indicating that engaged and satisfied employees are more likely to recommend their organization to others.

    6. Measure results by using LinkedIn Analytics

    LinkedIn’s built-in analytics feature provides valuable data on the reach, engagement, and demographics of the company’s posts and content. By monitoring these analytics, businesses can identify trends, understand what resonates with their audience, and optimize their employer branding strategies accordingly.


    LinkedIn offers a range of tools and features that enable businesses to optimize their employer branding efforts. By consistently sharing valuable content, actively participating in discussions, and leveraging the platform’s networking capabilities, companies can establish themselves as desirable employers and attract talented professionals who align with their organizational values and goals.

    Remember, employer branding is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and adaptation. Regularly measuring and analyzing the results of your LinkedIn employer branding strategies will allow you to refine and enhance your approach, ultimately leading to a stronger employer brand and a more successful recruitment process.